I spent a few days in Las Vegas this week, and as I was strolling
down Fremont street yesterday afternoon I stopped to watch this guy

I watched him start with a completely blank peice of paper. Then he
started applying paint (with spray paint...
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Today at Okc.js I'm presenting a talk called
"Going Serverless" about the Serverless
framework and Amazon Web Services.
Going Serverless
Demo Project
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I remember when my parents took me to get my first car. Like many teenage boys my list of requirements for a car looked something like this:
Things I want in a car
- sporty
- fast
- red or black
- deluxe stereo system
- power everything
- new
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It was recently reported that
Heroku will soon be making some changes to their basic dyno pricing
structure. I wanted to take a look at the changes and see what they will
mean for all of the apps that I host there, some already on a paid tier,
and some using their generous free tier.
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Today at NDC London I'm presenting a session called
"Client MVC != Server MVC". Here are links to my
slide deck, an example GitHub repo, and a bunch of JSBins that step
through the process of building up a small app.
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Today at ThunderPlains I'm presenting a session called
"Supercharge your productivity with Ember.js". Here are links to my
slide deck, an example GitHub repo, and a bunch of JSBins that step
through the process of building up a small app.
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Remarq is a tool for constultants and agencies
to allow them to create beautiful PDF reports. Reports can be authored
in Markdown and then converted to high quality professional PDFs with no
extra effort.
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Today at Ember Fest I'm presenting a session
called "Client MVC != Server MVC". In it I compare and contrast the
Ember style of MVC with the Rails style. Here's a link to the slides
for the talk, and to a bunch of bonus JSBins that step through the
process of building up a simple Ember application.
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Today I'm presenting a session at That Conference called
"Supercharge your productivity with Ember.js". Here are links to my
slide deck, an example GitHub repo, and a bunch of JSBins.
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In a couple of
previous posts
we've seen how to use bootstrap-sass-official
in an ember-cli
Not long after I published the second post, my friend Tute
pointed out that my solution left the bootstrap glyphicons in a broken
state. So, let's get those working!
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I've been using ember-cli
to develop
watch.canary.io and I'm deploying it to S3. I
started by just manually copying the files into my bucket, but I finally
decided to set up a real automated deployment process. Here's how I
set up grunt
to allow for easy command line based deployment.
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Well, like I mentioned in the last post, ember-cli is under heavy development and is progressing quickly. In the few days since I wrote the last post version 0.0.27 of ember-cli has been released and the process for including bootstrap-sass is much easier.
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Ember-cli is the new hotness in the
Ember world for generating new applications. The
build process for ember-cli is provided by
broccoli, a relatively new
build tool. Trying to get a Sass version of Twitter bootstrap
to play nicely with ember-cli turned out to be a bit of a challenge.
Both ember-cli and broccoli are under heavy development, so I imagine
that the process for using something like bootstrap-sass will become
much easier in the very near future. The solution presented here is a quick and
easy way to get things working today, but hopefully there will be an
easier and more elegant long-term solution.
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Today I'm giving a presentation at RailsConf called "Service Oriented
Authentication". Here are links to the example repos on
GitHub, the deployed demos on Heroku, and my slides.
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I'm really excited that I'm going to be speaking at RailsConf this
year about Service Oriented Authentication.. While the process is fresh in my mind, I wanted to
make some notes (mostly for future me) about the things that I think helped me in having my
proposal accepted.
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is an extension for Middleman that makes it really easy to use responsive images on your site. It generates multiple sizes of your images and provides an easy helper method for placing reponsive images on a page. Depending on the size of the image on the page, the browser will inteligently download the appropriate image.
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is a small extension for Middleman that allows you to add alias information to the frontmatter of any page or post. SEO friendly redirect pages are generated at the alias URL.
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HandlebaRss is a JavaScript based RSS viewer that uses handlebars
templates for easy customization. It's really easy to use and is a
great way to display RSS feeds on static sites.
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